Fallen Heroes..

Late last year, Mayor Wes Perry asked me to help him think of meaningful ways the City of Midland could honor our local/area soldiers who have fallen in Iraq and Afghanistan. We've done several small things, but we were looking for something more permanent.
We were mulling over several ideas when serendipity intervened. Several months ago my friend Connie Nelson called to say that through her country music contacts, she had a professional portrait artist friend in Nashville, Corey Frizzell, who wanted to honor our fallen soldiers by doing portraits of them to present to their families. Connie asked me if I had any ideas to assist Corey in getting his "Fallen Heroes" project off the ground. And boy did I!
After consulting with Wes and other city officials I asked Corey if he would be willing to render portraits of all eleven area service members who have given their lives for America, to be placed in a prominent public memorial. As you watch the video clip, below, of Corey presenting his first portrait last week, know that soon he will be working on our Permian Basin Fallen Heroes. Corey is noted for his works of country music stars, including his famous uncles Lefty and David Frizzell.
Corey's story can be seen here as he presents his first portrait to the mother of a fallen Marine. Corey presents portrait