Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kiva....a great idea

Some time ago I ran into Kiva and wrote that I found this vehicle to make micro loans to individuals in 3rd world countries to be absolutely the highest and best use of the Internet. I still feel that way. After chunking in some money I invested in a woman, Sharifa Said Seif, and her hopes of expanding her clothing business in Dar es Salaam. Fast foward nine months and the loan was paid back in full. The idea of Kiva is to keep "rolling" your invested dollars into new loans as they are repaid.

Yesterday, on Veteran's Day, I thought that a good way to remember some of my past was to help someone in Southeast Asia. So my credit balance went to Savy Ek a woman on the Mekong River in Cambodia. Mrs. Ek is a silk weaver and needed some funds to buy materials to help her business grow.

The amount of money we might spend, without a thought, on a nice dinner out is a near fortune to someone in the poorer regions of the world. Kiva is a great way to help someone else up!