Friday, June 22, 2007

Blog Think Tank...

The second annual West Texas Bloggers Rountable and Mobile Home Symposium was held today at the exclusive Harvest Caffe. The increase in membership since last years Roundtable was amazing with participants from varied fields attending. Among the members were farmers, engineers, TV stars, sales representatives, executive chefs, web designers and a few of the occasionally idle rich. A great and worthwhile time was had by all. In fact the conversation was so stimulating, most of us extended our coffee meeting into lunch. In attendance in spirit but not in person was spiritual mentor Jimmy; but he was represented graphically [the little dot of a head behind Kinky Friedman in the green room photo] and he will be reminded of our admiration for him when he gets the bill for the whole wonderful affair. Kinky couldn't make it either.....

The other members in attendance were:
The Fireant Gazette, Bleu Chocolate, Walked with the Angels, Streams, ArchaeoTex and Sounding Forth